Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Disneyland 08 Now Booked!

Just booked our airfare on Jet Blue for our Disneyland trip this year.  We are going December 7-11.  From past experience, the best time to go is on a Sunday night.  It is open late and everyone leaves around 7:00.  The least busy time you will ever see Disneyland is on a non-summer, non-holiday Sunday night at about 10:00.  

We leave Sunday morning and come back Thursday night.  From past experience, we have noticed Disneyland begins to get more crowded beginning Thursday afternoon.  So, we have planned this out perfectly to avoid all of the crowds.  Also, Lincoln's favorite movie is "A Nightmare Before Christmas" and he loves it when the Haunted Mansion is decorated in that motif.   We are excited because Grandma and Grandpa Yospe are going with us this year.

Jet Blue says that you must bring your own earphones.  You mean I don't get to rent earphones from 1968 for $10.00?  


  1. I'm so jealous! The week you are going is the week Mike & I went for our honeymoon 10 years ago! Perfect time of year. Lucky you!

  2. Wow- We thought that we planned our vaction early (san Francisco in August), but December--now that is early. Sounds like fun!


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